The Keystone Federated Republican Women (KFRW) held their 4th Monday monthly meeting on March 25, 2019 at the Monticello Chamber of Commerce. The speakers where Sheriff Mac McNeill and Sgt. Marvin Edwards with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. The topic was carrying concealed weapons and obtaining a license to carry.
A Concealed Weapon Permit Class was offered to KFRW Members and Non-members by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. JCSO instructors were Sgt. Marvin Edwards, MSgt. Chris Eades, and Sheriff Mac McNeill. The first class was held Saturday, April 6, 2019 at a member’s property on Dills Road. Twelve club members and non-members attended in order to obtain certification required to apply for a Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License.

An additional class with eight participants was held the afternoon of April 28, 2019. JCSO instructors were Sgt. Marvin Edwards and Captain Gerald Knecht.

April 6, at the shooting range with JCSO instructors Sgt. Edwards and MSgt. Eades:

April 28, at the shooting range with JCSO instructors Sgt. Edwards and Captain Knecht: