The Keystone Federated Republican Women’s 2022 Essay Contest “The Divide between the Patriots and Loyalists during the Revolutionary War: Separation and Independence or remain British subjects?” was open for all Jefferson County middle and high school aged students currently enrolled in public or private schools or homeschooled.
Download for Essay Contest information. Deadline for submitting essays was March 31, 2022. Thank you for participating and good luck!
2022 Essay Contest winners were announced and awarded their certificates and cash awards at KFRW’S monthly meeting, April 25, 2022, by Gretchen Wallace, Community Outreach Chair.

KFRW recognized and awarded cash prizes to the top three essayists in both middle school and high school as follows:
Middle School Winners:
1st Place: Allie Dollar – Cash Prize $250
2nd Place: Vera Peters – Cash Prize $150
3rd Place: Charles Austin Boyd – Cash Prize $50
High School Winners:
1st Place: Zoe Sophia Burrell – Cash Prize $250
2nd Place: Adeline Grettenberger – Cash Prize $150
3rd Place: Isabella Marya Gray – Cash Prize $50