- Take photos at KFRW meetings of members, guests and speakers.
- Take photos at KFRW events and other events members attend.
- Video record the speaker at KFRW meetings.
- Send KFRW news/announcements to Monticello News/Jefferson Journal & Chamber (e-Blast) prior to meetings for inclusion.
- Post on KFRW Facebook Page and other conservative FB pages.
- Create flyers for KFRW events and post at local businesses, etc.
- Write news articles for KFRW Newsletter and KFRW Blogs.
- Encourage KFRW members to write & submit articles to Monticello News/Jefferson Journal.
Public Relations Committee Chair: Annaliese Mincy
Public Relations Committee Members: Lynn Stafford, Janis Morrow, Debbie Snapp and Dotty McPherson